Stage 1: POLICY
Policy is important in the climate action framework because it forms the basis of policies and strategies to mobilize efforts to reduce the impact of climate change. Through the provision of strong policies, specific targets and measures can be set to direct low-carbon development and strengthen commitment to environmental sustainability. Among the policies used by MBIP are:
MBIP has been a member of the global network Global Covenant of Mayors (GCOM) under the European Union (EU) since 2022 and was selected as one of the pilot cities to develop the Iskandar Puteri Climate Action Plan 2030. The Iskandar Puteri Climate Action Plan 2030 aims to address the increasingly serious issue of climate change with a target of reducing carbon intensity by 63% by 2030 to plan a better environment by taking into account mitigation and adaptation planning for the benefit of the local population more comprehensively. This Action Plan includes (5) five themes and 41 action plans that have been set.
In addition, in the Iskandar Puteri Climate Action Plan there are mitigation and adaptation targets that have been set for the Iskandar Puteri City Council to achieve, namely the target of reducing carbon intensity by 63% by 2030 (mitigation) and three (3) adaptation targets, namely increasing resilience to overcome floods, reducing the number dengue cases and increasing landscape planting to reduce heat waves in Iskandar Puteri.